Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weekly Review #4

Well folks, it's another beautiful Saturday. Which means it's time for another review! What's in store for today? Well, I'm glad you asked...

  1. Goulash(My delicious version and my husband's slop lol)
  2. Lactation Cookies

Yep, it's a short one this week. But that's alright. Perhaps we will have some more interesting things for next week! Both of the recipes for today can be found at my "Recipes" page. =)

        1) Goulash. Yep, that's it. The picture above is my husband's "slop" as I call it. He calls it Goulash. I make this whenever I make regular Goulash. His looks absolutely disgusting if I do say so myself. So, I'm not going to give an actual review of that hehe. But, the regular, real, Goulash is delicious! It is so super easy to make and doesn't take but a few minutes to throw together. Heck, I don't even actually have this recipe written down! And Daniel absolutely loved it. I thought I was going to go crazy from him saying "bite" every two seconds hehe. I highly recommend trying it at least once.

        2) Lactation cookies. I got this recipe from a friend(not sure where she found it) and it is amazing. It tastes so good. You would never guess it had yeast or anything like that in it. I don't really "need" help with my supply. But I don't want to have a sudden loss from working out and have to work my way back up. So, I thought I'd make these and make them part of my snack. Oh darn, whatever shall I do?! I'm so mistreated hehe. Sure, it takes a little time because you are making cookies from scratch. But it is SO worth it. I had about 4 or 5 after they came out of the oven and within an hour or so of eating the first one, I could feel that I was a little fuller than usual. I'm not sure if it was just a placebo effect or if it was the cookies doing their job. But either way, I am calling it a win. And I will definitely be making them again! Oh, and it makes a bunch if you make them on the smaller side. I used a small ice cream scoop and now I have a gallon size bag full and some sitting in a tub as well!


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